How to distinguish between natural and synthetic spinel?

Spinel has long been popular with gaming specialists and collectors, and high quality games are rare. Once upon a time, spinel was known as a ruby like a “ruby black prince” embedded in the crown of the famous British king. In fact, spinel are the red backbone, and spinel of other colors were also called sapphires at that time.
Onyx and ruby are beautiful and rare pearls. both are red So it’s easy to get confused. The basic mineral in rock formations that is close to the general composition makes it attractive, deep red. Spinel can also be found in most rubies.
What are the main differences between synthetic and natural to make a theoretical difference?
Natural onyx is axially equal. But the inner lattice of synthetic spinels is often distorted.
Natural onyx is often found in octahedral crystals. rhombus rhombus and the total mass of the cube While synthetic spinel have an unusual shape.

Post time: Apr-19-2022