Is tsavorite better than emerald?

When it comes to green gemstones, two of the most popular options are tsavorite and emerald. Both are beautiful, durable, and highly sought after by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts. However, there are some key differences between the two that make them unique. In this article, we will explore whether tsavorite is better than emerald and what makes each gemstone special.


Tsavorite is a type of green garnet that was first discovered in Tanzania in 1967. It is named after Tsavo National Park, which is located in Kenya, where it was later found. Tsavorite is prized for its bright, vivid green color, which is caused by the presence of chromium and vanadium in the stone. It is also highly durable, with a hardness rating of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, making it a great choice for everyday wear.


Emerald, on the other hand, is a type of beryl that has been cherished for centuries. It is known for its deep, rich green color, which comes from the presence of chromium and/or vanadium in the stone. Emeralds are often included, which means that they have visible inclusions or fractures within the stone. These inclusions are sometimes referred to as “jardins,” which is French for “gardens,” because they can look like tiny plants or gardens inside the gemstone. While some people find these inclusions to be beautiful and unique, others prefer a cleaner, more flawless gemstone.
So, is tsavorite better than emerald? The answer to that question largely depends on personal preference and the intended use of the gemstone. Here are a few factors to consider when comparing the two:

Color: Tsavorite is known for its bright, vivid green color, which can range from yellowish-green to bluish-green. Emeralds, on the other hand, tend to have a deeper, richer green color that is often described as “emerald green.” Some people prefer the brighter, more vibrant color of tsavorite, while others prefer the deeper, more classic color of emerald.

Clarity: As mentioned earlier, emeralds are often included, which means that they have visible inclusions or fractures within the stone. Some people find these inclusions to be beautiful and unique, while others prefer a cleaner, more flawless gemstone. Tsavorite, on the other hand, tends to be much cleaner and more transparent than emerald, with fewer visible inclusions.

Durability: Both tsavorite and emerald are relatively durable gemstones, but tsavorite is slightly harder than emerald, with a rating of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale compared to emerald’s rating of 7. This means that tsavorite is slightly more resistant to scratches and other forms of wear and tear than emerald.


Availability: Emeralds are one of the most popular gemstones in the world, and as a result, they are fairly easy to find. However, high-quality emeralds are quite rare and can be quite expensive. Tsavorite, on the other hand, is a relatively new gemstone that is still quite rare, especially in larger sizes. This means that high-quality tsavorite can be just as expensive, if not more so, than high-quality emerald.

Overall, whether tsavorite is better than emerald largely depends on personal preference. Both gemstones are beautiful, durable, and highly sought after by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts. If you prefer a brighter, more vibrant green color and a cleaner, more transparent gemstone, then tsavorite may be the right choice for you. If you prefer a deeper, more classic green color and don’t mind visible inclusions, then emerald may be the better choice. Ultimately, the decision comes down to what looks best to you and what will work best for your intended use of the gemstone.

In conclusion, tsavorite and emerald are both stunning green gemstones that have their own unique characteristics. Whether one is better than the other largely depends on personal preference and the intended use of the gemstone. Both are highly valued by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts, and either one would make a beautiful addition to any jewelry collection.

Post time: Jul-11-2023