Spinel Star of David – the most incisive manifestation of the magic of nature.

Spinel "Star of David" - the most incisive manifestation of the magic of nature.

The Star of David was born from twins growing up in Onyx and produced only in Mogok, Myanmar. "Star of David" is uncut and unpolished. and belonging to purely natural structures The hexagon in the center occurs naturally due to the crystalline form of onyx.

durt (4)
durt (3)

Crystals are composed of cracks, liquids, and fusions of multiple crystals. Brittle specimens that cause the thin crystals to crack during the cleaning process and require special care when handling these crystals. The Star of David Onyx is a rare crystal that fascinates many gemologists and collectors. Studying these onyxes will help you better understand and identify the origin of red onyx.

durt (1)

Why is it called the "Star of David", which is closely related to the origin of the "Star of David"? During David's reign, the kingdom was strong. The Hebrew has no initials, thus the pronunciation of David's name. "David" is pronounced dvd (pronounced da-vic), omitting the middle "a" and "i" sounds, and the head and tail are all D's. 2000 years ago, common in Greek. Because the Italian D is a triangle, the dvd, the head D and the tail D will be two triangles when writing, and two triangles will be inverted. When the address is hidden, it becomes the six-pointed star, the origin of the Star of David.

durt (2)

Post time: Jul-07-2022